jueves, 2 de junio de 2011

Sand dunes in Huacachina

If flying down a 50 meter sand dune head first on a piece of plastic is on your bucket list you'll have to make your way to Huacachina, Peru, about 4 hours south of Lima.

More than a town, Huacachina is a conglomeration of restaurants, hotels, and bars that surround a desert lagoon. When not eating or taking part in nightlife activities the main source of entertainment is flying around the sand dunes in a buggy and riding down said dunes in either snowboard or sled-style. 

Happy to report that I made it through the weekend with only a few dune-related bumps and bruises and mild sunburn. 

More to come soon!


2 comentarios:

  1. Nice picture in the desert! I just hope that when you went to Huacachina you didn't have a hangover. A sunny day in the desert, buggy rides, and sliding down the dunes seem not to be the traditional ways to deal with guayabo.

  2. I'd like to warn you, from experience, that you will be discovering sand in places you didn't think sand could get for at least the next two weeks.

    So glad you enjoyed the dunes! Did you see any sand people?
